If you would like to purchase one, see Mrs. Billington! Price: $25.00. If paying with check, please make all checks payable to Eagletown School. SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE!
Welcome to Eagletown Public School
Eagletown is a vibrant school where academics and involvement intersect daily. We strive to provide our students many ways to be involved in a smaller community through extracurricular, co-curricular, academic teams, and clubs. Eagletown's mission is to prepare every student for success beyond their school career. We appreciate your support. The support you provide . . .
EPS Vision Statemtent
EPS's vision is for everyone to L E A R N! L EAD: Be a positive influence E NGAGE: Be actively involved in the learning process A CHIEVE : Successfully . . .
EPS Mission Statement
We of the Eagletown Public Schools believe that all children can learn and develop to their potential when they are placed in the proper educational environment. It is the intent of the school district to provide a structure and climate which promotes: academic achievement, a pride in physical well-being, and a management style which includes participation of community, staff, and students.
Student Insurance Plan
Our school has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance Group to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don't have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive "gaps" caused by deductible and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by clicking on the link below. . . .